Suofeiya - Tập đoàn sản xuất và kinh doanh nội thất Toàn Cầu


The inspiration for this kitchen design stems from the Art Deco style. Art Deco evolved from the late 19th-century Art Nouveau movement and was a sought-after art style by the European middle class at that time. Its main characteristics include sensual and organic lines inspired by the beauty of nature, such as floral and animal forms, particularly favoring the use of vine-like plant motifs and Eastern cultural patterns. The intricate framing craftsmanship imbues every inch of life with personality, while the elegant diamond pattern in fabric and leather represents the fusion of elegance and quality. Through clean and minimalist shapes within structured lines, it conveys a longing for a minimalist and comfortable lifestyle.

Series: Hera
Phong cách: New Oriental
Bề mặt: PVC Blister
Chất liệu ván: MDF
Đặc điểm nổi bật của sản phẩm: Aegean flute Glass|Hazy matte effect, senior decorative sense; Gentle designxPractical storage|Make cooking an enjoyable experience

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